Ett resultat av att SVEBI är gruppmedlem i FEPSAC är att våra medlemmar får en lägre deltagaravgift.
Announcement of the General Assembly
The Managing Council (MC) of the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC) has the pleasure of announcing that the next FEPSAC General Assembly (GA) will be organised on the 16th July 2015 during the FEPSAC 2015 European Congress of Sport Psychology in Bern, Switzerland. Individual members who have paid their membership fee for at least 2014 and 2015 (as confirmed by the Treasurer), and group members who have paid their membership fee for 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 (as confirmed by the Treasurer) will receive before 15 April 2015 an invitation to attend the given GA; before 15 June 2015 the agenda of the GA will be sent out. The announcement (including date and place) of the GA will also be posted on both the FEPSAC website and the 2015 European Congress of Sport Psychology website, while the invitation for, and the agenda of the GA will also be posted in the Member’s Area of the FEPSAC website. Members are invited to email agenda proposals for the GA to Secretary-general Xavier Sanchez ( no later than 15 May 2015.
Please note:
We are glad to announce that all members of your association for the year 2015, as being a part of a FEPSAC Group Member, receive a discount on their registration fee. Please select “Delegate of FEPSAC Group Member“ when you register.
Please make sure to inform all your group members that at the registration desk in Bern, they will be required to present proof of a membership to an association that is a FEPSAC group member. Therefore, we kindly request that you provide your members with a document that proves their membership to your association. Delegates of a FEPSAC Group Member who failed to present proof of their membership at the registration desk will be required to pay a fee difference in order to receive their registration material.